

Page history last edited by PBworks 1 year, 10 months ago

Welcome to French 101

Course Syllabus



Office Hours:




Goals of the Course

Learn written and conversational french with an emphasis on modern  



We will be using an electronic textbook for this course, you can find it here: (link to textbook)


Graded Course Components


Wiki Participation 

XXXXX summary of each chapter/week


Problem Sets and Notebook 

Much of our class time will be spent working in teams and individually on problem sets. These problem

sets form the core of the course. They will encourage you to sharpen your conversation skills 



Throughout the semester, we will be using vocabulary to increase our understanding of French culture.  This work will culminate in the production and display of an informative collection of pages on our course wiki.



We will have two take-home midterms and a final exam. The take home midterms are tentatively scheduled

for XXXX and XXXX. The midterms will be worth 15% each. The date and time for the final exam is set

by the registrar. The final exam will be cumulative and will be worth 20% of your grade.


Other Information


Preparation, Attendance, and Pacing

This class meets weekly which means that a significant amount of the work for class will be occurring

between classes. In between classes you should ...



Incomplete Grades

According to the university, the grade of "incomplete" is reserved for "exceptional cases, where an unanticipated event beyond ones control interferes with a student's completion of course requirements."  


Course Grade

Grading is on a straight scale (no curve), with 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% guaranteeing A-, B-, C-, and D- respectively. Remember that attendance is required and missing class can result in a grade reduction or even a failing grade.


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